Quoting KatolaZ (kato...@freaknet.org):

> Roger has also explained that the rants about "not being able to boot
> with a separate /usr and without initramfs" are totally pointeless,
> since this has been the case in Debian and all the derivatives at
> least since Wheezy was testing (i.e., about 7 years ago). 

This was factually erroneous when he said it (at minimum for my servers,
where by preference I compile bespoke kernels), it was wrong _before_ he
said it (e.g,, when I cited the particulars of my architectural
preference, 1-2 days before he joined the thread), and it was wrong when
you spoke to me to convince me I should agree to his position and I
objected that dismissal of my server best practices as 'unecessary,
undesirable, and gain[ing] little' and as 'not really doing more than
adding extra unnecessary complexity', while concluding that 'none of it
actually matters').  

And, guess what?  It's still factually erroneous.  

Roger's statement is doubtless true of users who lack the initiative or
minimal competence to customise a Linux system (in which case, that
qualifier should be added to repair his claim.  Otherwise, it's just
dead wrong (leaving aside the rather arrogant hand-wavery in which he
stated it).

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