On Fri, 16 Nov 2018 22:11:17 +1300
Daniel Reurich <dan...@centurion.net.nz> wrote:

> Hi Devuan followers, fans and friends,
> Debian as of the upcoming Buster release looks to be implementing a
> merged /usr by default.  At this stage there is no plan to make it
> forced... but you never know what happens when their Technical
> Committee suddenly decides it's an issue they need to force a
> decision on...
> So... for Devuan, do we want to default to a merged /usr in our coming
> release of Beowulf or are we going to resist another pointless
> rearranging of the deck chairs...
> Keen to get some feedback on this
> Cheers,
>       Daniel

Can anybody explain the bad points of doing the merger ?
I ask this because everything I can find says it is a good thing, but
they said systemd was a good thing ;-)

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