Why do you think people will help you if you can't give any specifics and keep 
shouting expletives at people?

On October 21, 2018 10:55:18 AM GMT+03:00, Jimmy Johnson 
<field.engin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On 10/21/18 12:35 AM, Rick Moen wrote:
>> Quoting Jimmy Johnson (field.engin...@gmail.com):
>>> Who says you have to read my post....
>> You know, never mind.  Much is now clearer.
>What's clearer Rick, how you can save Linux or you've found someone you
>can't F*** with?  Are you a good guy or a bad guy?
>Jimmy Johnson
>Slackware64 Current - KDE 4.14.38 - AMD A8-7600 - EXT4 at sda9
>Registered Linux User #380263
>Dng mailing list

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