On Sat, 20 Oct 2018 07:19:49 +0200
KatolaZ <kato...@freaknet.org> wrote:

> Unfortunately, pointing to a bunch of scripts is not enough: 

It's a starting point. Power-user individuals can start using runit
today, with no action by any developers. But wait, there's more...

> you need
> somebody who has experience of using runit who is willing to package
> the whole stuff in a coherent way, IMHO.

Do you mean by "the whole stuff", and what do you mean by "a coherent
way"? Do you mean packaging each daemon's runit directory with the
daemon? That can't happen in the near future: Big job. Do you mean
having a package for all the runit daemons, and that package will
create all runit directories so all someone has to do after installing
the daemon is make the symlink? That can be done in the near future. I
can make a shellscript that:

1) Disables daemon startup from /etc/rc.d/rc5.d and rc0.d

2) Enables daemon startup from runit. I can package that along with the
   bunch of daemon runit directories.


Steve Litt 
September 2018 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business
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