On Wednesday 20 June 2018 at 16:27:19, Arnt Karlsen wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 12:21:21 +0200, Adam wrote in message
> <20180620102121.flczbaznhl3mh...@angband.pl>:
> > On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 07:09:12AM +0200, aitor_czr wrote:
> > > El 20/06/18 a las 02:16, Ozi Traveller escribió:
> > > > Are the 32bit images 586 or 686?
> > > > 
> > > > I think the Jessie images were 586.
> > > 
> > > linux-4.9.x is built in 686 and 686-pae
> > 
> > And more importantly, userland packages are built using 686
> > instructions. Replacing or using an old kernel is trivial, rebuilding
> > the world is not.
> ..i386, i486 or i586 kernels can now chew i686 userland?
> I could believe it can build them from source.

No, I think Adam's point was that if you have a 686 kernel on a 386 machine, 
replacing it for a 386 kernel is easy (relatively speaking), but if you have 
the complete system binaries and libraries built for 686 on a 386 machine, 
replacing that lot is basically a re-install.

> ..do we have "world rebuilder" software or scripts that can find
> "wrong arch userland", fetch its source package, "rebuild this
> part of the world" and install it, and optionally upload it to
> "a community upload mirror site"?  Might help speed up things...

I think if anyone runs into the problem that they've installed a 686 binary or 
library onto a 386 machine, they'll have installed hundreds, so the machine is 
unlikely to be able to claw its own way out of the hole.

Better to try having a check in the installer to say "the architecture you 
selected will not run on this hardware - do yoou really want to continue?" 
(which you might do, for example, if you're installing a system onto a disk 
which is going to go into another machine...)


She did not swoon, but she did get a look on her face that said 'This 
conversation is over', which Jack took as a sign he was going in the right 

 - Neal Stephenson, Quicksilver

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