On Thu, 15 Mar 2018 13:57:13 -0400
Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 15 Mar 2018 09:08:14 +0100
> Florian Zieboll <f.zieb...@web.de> wrote:
> > Not sure if I am missing something here, but what can go wrong when
> > it supports a PostScript version >1?  
> You might pay $1000 instead of $400, or $2000 instead of $1000.

I think that you don't pay this extra for PostScript itself, but mostly
for a higher quality (weight...) product, which then fortunately
includes support for a "reasonable" (debuggable, lol) file format.

> Also, I *thought* all modern printers could understand and render PDF.
> Was I wrong about that?

I have a vague recollection, that there are printers and imagesetters,
that are able to render PDF directly (never was involved in such a
workflow myself) - but this is probably only true for equipment which
does PostScript, of which PDF is a direct successor.

libre Grüße,


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