On Mon, 12 Mar 2018 22:32:34 -0700
Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Exemplars of antiquated designs, being both physically very old and
> (typically) no longer in stock hardly anywhere, are fragile and can be
> expected to have very limited and unpredictable remaining service
> life. As they (inevitably) develop various problems inherent in old
> computer hardware, the owner finds to his/her displeasure that
> replacement parts have now become a _specialty_ market, hence more
> expensive than previously in constant-per-year value, not to mention
> the equipment now being (IMO) woefully deficient in quite a variety
> of ways compared to more-recent and more-standard kit.

In other words, these are now museum pieces, not computers. Use them
with their original software to do what they did so well back in the
day. Drive em around on Sunday afternoon and show them off, but leave
the real computers to computers made this century.

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