Hi all,

I forgot to mention it, but about a month ago I finished my ctwm
documentation tree:


I think it's the best single source of ctwm documentation, although it
certainly could use improvement. 

Ctwm isn't for everybody. It's a no-panel lightweight window manager,
in the same class as Openbox. Not sure, but I think ctwm uses less RAM
than Openbox. Ctwm is much more configurable than Openbox. But
Openbox's behavior is much less surprising, and much handier for most

I've been using ctwm for a month now. It's pretty cool. Will I go back
to Openbox? I don't know.

Anyway, feel free to ask me questions about ctwm. I've gotten it
running on Devuan VM guests, and it works well there.

Steve Litt 
October 2017 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
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