Il 09/03/2017 17:21, Alessandro Selli ha scritto:
> Il giorno Wed, 8 Mar 2017 22:14:56 -0500
> Hendrik Boom <> ha scritto:
>> On Wed, Mar 08, 2017 at 10:47:00PM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
>>> Il 08/03/2017 18:33, ha scritto:
>>>> This is a follow up to this old thread:
>>>> According to this post on FDN -
>>>> - the hard
>>>> pulseaudio requirement has now been implemented:
>>>> "From Firefox 52 onwards, pulseaudio is a hard requirement for sound
>>>> on linux. Alsa is unsupported and alsa code will be removed in Firefox
>>>> 54." (from - ... 47056#c178 )
>>>> So heads up that Devuan might need recompile FF for alsa if Debian
>>>> does not.  Of course, the blowback for going down this road could yet
>>>> change Mozilla's mind.  Yeah, right . . .
>>>> Or maybe another viable alternative will miraculously appear . . .
>>>> golinux
>>>   I was about to write a similar message, as I just found out about the
>>> new "feature" the hard way.
>>> In the short term I think I'm going to switch to midori.
>> I haven't gotten midori to work in a satisfying way.
>> There are a few sticking points:
>> How do you import bookmarks from firefox?
>   Is this is an(other) issue with Firefox, or is it just Midori that cannot
> import JSON bookmarks?

  Well, it was way easier than I anticipated:

[Firefox] Show All Bookmarks -> Import and Backup -> Export Bookmarks to
HTML... -> Name: bookmarks.html

[Midori] Menu -> Import Bookmarks -> Application: Import from XBEL or
HTML file -> Import Bookmarks -> bookmarks.html -> Open


Plus, on Ubuntu (I am yet to fully test Midori on the Devuan laptop) I
found out it has many addons I was afraid wouldn't be available:

Adblock "Block advertisements according to a filter list"
Cookie-manager "List, view and delete cookies"
Cookie-permissions "Manage cookie permission per site"
Nojs "Manage javascript permissions per site"
Statusbar-features "Easily toggle features on web pages on and off"
Shortcuts "View and edit keyboard shortcuts"
Addons "Support for userscripts and userstyles"

More than enough.

Alessandro Selli <>
Tel. 3701355486
Chiave PGP/GPG key: B7FD89FD

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