On Thu, 9 Mar 2017 19:07:42 -0500
Hendrik Boom <hend...@topoi.pooq.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 09, 2017 at 06:44:59PM -0500, in  discussion on 
> firefox, alsa, pulseaudio and Devuan, Steve Litt wrote:
> > 
> > Devuan is Linux, Linux is free software, and the Android OS,
> > whatever it's called, is definitely not free software. Your
> > response would be more ontopic on an Android list.  
> I understand the political reasons for rejecting pulseaudio.  I 
> understand the risk that it contribute to the systemdification of the 
> Linux world.
> But let me hope that there are also technical arguments against it 
> as a piece of software that exists now, as opposed to what it ws a 
> few years ago and what it may execresce into in a few years.
> Presumably these have been summed up somewhere on the web.
> -- hendrik

My technical reason is that every time I have no sound with a
Pulseaudio encumbered system, all I have to do is uninstall Pulseaudio,
tell my apps to use ALSA, and remove any mutes from Alsamixer, and
bang, sound. My technical reason is also that Pulse is too much
complication for too little benefit. Also, if I see a programmer create
one fiasco (systemd), I'm not about to find out if another (pulseaudio)
is equally as fiascical.

My response that you quote above was to somebody who gayly proclaimed
that HE don't need no dam sound on a desktop because HE uses his
corporate owned smartphone for that. Well, I'm not a bit ashamed of the
fact that I DO listen to music on my desktop, which I did today in both
VLC and Surf. And I have no plans to relinquish my music, or any of my
computing, to something with an OS I can't get root on, and that I
can't type 50 words per minute on.

Steve Litt 
February 2017 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times
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