On Wed, 26 Oct 2016 14:07:19 -0700
Bozonius <bozon...@aol.com> wrote:

> Will Devuan (or any of its derivatives) be supporting fixed release 
> model, or only rolling?
> I am looking for a stable (fixed) release distro that does not/will
> not contain u-no-what.  As more and more distros adopt u-no-what, the 
> choices are becoming slimmer.  So far, I have had little luck finding
> a distro that is u-no-whatless AND fixed release.

Bozonius brings up a good point. Rolling release sans-systemd is pretty
common: Funtoo, Gentoo (so far), Void. Devuan is precious in that it's
fixed release. Void's rolling release has been good to me so far, but if
it ever starts getting twitchy like Manjaro (or perhaps moreso like the
*too's), it's good to know there's still a fixed release sans-systemd.


Steve Litt 
September 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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