Quoting Hendrik Boom:

> Given the mix, I'd prefer to hear him out rather than ban him. 

You-plural should _most_ certainly ban me if Dng cannot accomodate
occasional polite mocking of what I see as ideological ranting and
tunnel vision that notably fails to get anything done.

I couldn't help noticing that my friend Mr. Litt -- the man who insisted
you hear all about my views (I didn't) -- spent vast amounts of time
posting impassioned stump-speeches on debian-user and accomplishing
nothing at all.  By contrast, when I finally got around to grappling
with the indeed troubling and serious problems in Debian 8 'Jessie', I
spent two days finding good workarounds and documenting them (along with
their limits) on a Web page pro bono publico.  Which approach do _you_
think accomplishes more?

(Please note I did _not_, and would not, denigrate Devuan Project's
actual _work_, just the dumb ranting stuff.  That work is something I
expect will accomplish a great deal more and help a lot more people.)

> ...deniable.

I believe you are crediting me with a _great_ deal more subtlety
than anyone who knows me would _ever_ attribute to yr. humble servant,
who's about as subtle as his garden's habanero chilis, and whose
writings aim to clarify what he _thinks_, not play tiresome games to
rile up strangers.  I seek _clarity_.  If you insist on being offended,
that is not my remit.

(However, I _am_ still waiting to hear about the Tory of the Blind Man
and the Elephant, at our UK friend's earliest convenience.  If he feels
trolled over that, I'm sorry he can't take a joke.)

So, I'd be glad to settle for people gradually ceasing attempting to
enforce software religion here and more consistently behave like a 
software project.  I don't like fanatical religion.  It killed my friend
and congressman, Leo Ryan, at Jonestown, after all, so I tend to take it
rather personally and stomp hard on it when I see it.  But if you'd
prefer to ban me for not singing in that particular choir, that works,

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