
KatolaZ wrote:
My humble impression is that you need just 4 things:

- "The C programming language" (Kernighan & Ritchie),

- "C in a nutshell" (Prinz & Crawford),

- "The Unix programming environment" (Ritchie & Pike N.B.: *not the
one by Burgess*, which is a nice book but not even close to the
original UPE),

- "Advanced programming in the Unix environment" (Stevens & Rago).

I will attempt to purchase these books. I love books, they make a good company.

In an earlier post you wrote:
Nothing is beyond human comprehension, if you are ready to make the
required effort to *study* and *understand* it.

You seem to work in a university's maths faculty. Can you explain to
me this paradox?

Consider Set I = {...., -3, -2, -1, 0,  1, 2 , 3, ....}, the set of
Integers that is infinite in size having neither a lower bound nor an
upper bound.

Now, consider Set M = {...., -9, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, 9, ....}, the set of
multiples of 3 that also has neither a lower bound nor an upper bound.

BOTH sets are infinite, yet, set I has 3 elements for EVERY element in
set M! This gives the impression infinity is graded. But does it makes
sense to claim a graded infinity? If it is graded, is it still

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