Am Sat, 18 Jun 2016 08:49:39 +0000
schrieb Didier Kryn <>:

Salut Didier!

>     I'm using xfce4 DE on Devuan Jessie and have removed all 
> policy-kit* packages and package-kit. The halt and reboot buttons of
> the logout menu of Xfce do not work anymore. They certainly invoke
> some command to ask permission to policy-kit which denies it if
> anyone else is logged on. Not something I need or want on a desktop.

>      I have created two launcher files invoking /sbin/halt and 
> /sbin/reboot, with sensible icons, and then dragged them into the 
> pannels of all 4 users of the desktop. And I have added the following 
> line to the sudoers file:
> ALL    myhostname = (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/halt, /sbin/reboot, 
> /sbin/shutdown

What you describe, is exactly my situation. I'll try a bit that way.
Just guessing in the dark, i'm under the impression that *polkit and
dbus are closely depending on another ...

It's to see and to try, if there are losses without dbus. E.g. i know,
that thunar in some conditions needs to be started by dbus-launch to
correctly mount (usb)devices on the fly ...

In any case, i'm very interested in a systemwide solution to halt,
shutdown, restart, suspend the system. I thought it could be done by an
append to sudoers (i followed the arch linux instruction, but it seem
to *NOT* work). Your line does it?

As for the login-manager it should be possible to integrate it (at
least i think in lxdm that can be done?).

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