Am Wed, 15 Jun 2016 01:26:45 +0000

Hi Robert!

> Note that my following comments apply only to a graphical install,
> full-desktop version, which is actually the only kind I've attempted
> so I can't say what would happen with a minimal install in
> text-mode...
> I've gotten this error on EVERY install I've done with Devuan, both
> laptop and desktop computer. However, recovery from the error was
> fairly straightforward, just go back to the screen to install the
> basic system, run it again (note: do not exit the installer!).
> Sometimes the error will still recur, but just keep going back and
> run it again, it will succeed. I believe what's happening is that the
> installer is downloading most of the files it needs but fails to
> download some, so by re-running it goes back and gets the rest of the
> files, it does not start from the very beginning and re-download
> everything. As to why it fails go get those files on the first run, I
> can't say, but it is downloading a lot and I'm guessing that any
> network latency is causing this problem.
> Note that I am in Taiwan and since there is no local Devuan mirror
> here (I think), I'm downloading from the US server. This means a lot
> of network latency. Devuan users in the USA might not be seeing this
> error, and ditto for Europeans if there is a mirror in Europe.
> Getting back to my situation, even if there is a Devuan mirror in
> Japan it wouldn't help me because as I understand it, our network
> traffic to Japan is routed via the USA.
> best regards,
> Robert

Even if it's not really good news, it's a kind of confort, that this
problem does not happen only to me ;) And seems Didier Kryn experiments
the same.

But if so: Shouldn't we investigate the installer? I mean, it's not
really user friendly to have an installer subject to that kind of
errors. And in my experience there are even other problems like the
overheating problem for amd graphics based machines, at least for some
of them. Or the fact, that the installer seems to not install the base
system it brings itself but seems to pull it from the mirrors.

Anyway, i'm well aware human ressources at Devuan are limited but the
installer should be worth a major consideration (?)

Thanks again!

PS. If i do not succeed in repairing my installation like Florian
suggested i'll turn back to your method :)
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