On Mon, 13 Jun 2016 14:47:13 +0200, Emninger wrote:
> Now, looking for lxsession-logout tool (which i did not
> find btw!?!?) 

It is provided by the lxsession package.

> i checked task-lxde-desktop and i see it pulls in lots of
> dependencies which imho are *NOT* needed:
> - yelp
> - yelp-xsl
> - gnome-user-guide
> - gnome-desktop3-data
> - gnome-disk-utility
> - gnome-icon-theme
> - gnome-system-tools

1. Those are not "hard" dependencies, they're "Recommends", 
most of them even pulled in recursively by other recommended 
packages (yelp, for example). 

2. None of them is referenced by task-lxde-desktop directly, 
but by the very lxde package itself (and its dependencies)! 

3. You can avoid installing (most of) it by using the apt-get 
option --no-install-recommends — or even configure apt to 
always leave those out by putting 
  APT::Install-Recommends "0";
in a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d .

4. The *real* pain in the rear WRT lxde are some of the actual 
"Depends" in the lxde package, e.g. galculator. But I'm 
repeating myself, so I'll stop here. ;-)

Bottom line: If you want a lean desktop environment, do not 
use *any* of the metapackages. Instead, install only the 
components you actually intend to use (and their actual 
"Depends", of course). In the process, leave out any 
"Recommends". If, at a later time, you find some of those 
recommended packages might actually be useful to you, you 
simply install them separately.

HTH, Regards
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