Jaromil <jaro...@dyne.org> escribió:

On Fri, 10 Jun 2016, emnin...@riseup.net wrote:

Would it be possible to package palemoon for devuan?

Are there a reasons for that?

I use palemoon myself on Devuan. Just downloaded their bundle and
opened in /opt/palemoon, set the bin in PATH and ready for use. It
also notices me for upstream updates.

I'm open to debate, but personally incline (for this and other
packages) to concentrate on the maintanance of a *core*, *base* Devuan
system and leave to individuals and downstream maintain a bigger set
of packages for specific uses.

As a side note, it would be better to package it for Debian, to let it reach a wider audience. Then, we can get it from Debian ;)

In fact, most packages that are not systemd-related nor systemd-entangled should not be packaged only for Devuan. We need to keep the delta at a minimum.


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