On 06/10/2016 06:16 PM, Jaromil wrote:
On Fri, 10 Jun 2016, Simon Walter wrote:
I will give the templates a go now.
I am going to try Greg's template on the BETA release.
My simple edit on the alpha4 worked fine, but Greg's templates didn't
work as well. So I am trying with BETA.
Do you have plans to include that into an upstream release?
yes, especially if more than one person gets involved so we have some
degree of peer review. Also please note we are in the process of
setting up a builder server on the premises of our HQ in Amsterdam and
all its setup is based on LXC. Hellekin is currently going through its
configuration and I can hear little sounds of satisfaction and success
across the day coming from his desk. But I'm not aware if Hk is using
Greg's template.
So you are bootstraped? Using Devuan to build Devuan?
If so, then it would be nice if there was an LXC package for Devuan
so we don't need to clone a git repo to have those templates.
sure, if such a team forms and a .deb package is ready, made through a
somehow collective process involving more than one developer, it will
be certainly included in our repositories.
OK, wonderful. I am doing lots of tests for my work too. So I will
definitely be sending feedback around.
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