Hi all,
While building the kernel, i've been working in a new package named
wm-logout (window-manager-logout) common for the most of different
window-managers: openbox, fluxbox, window maker...
A combobox in the bottom of the application will allow you to switch a
concrete one between all of them. In principle, the package will not
depend on any session-manager, but maybe it will recommend slim.
It's witten in C and Gtk3+. I'll try to use Gtk3+ instead of Gtkmm where
possible, but "simple-netaid-gtk3" will be written in C++/Gtkmm because
of the complexity of the application...
I will push the code of wm-manager to gitlab this week.
There are other graphical projects in my mind, like, for example, a
package named "devuan-wellcome" containig links to the different
websites, a donate button, etc... Take as an example LinuxMint :)
I still didn't pushed the latest commits of "simple-netaid-gtk3" because
it's my first application in Gtk and i don't want to spread development
bad habits before a deeply review of the code, but it works [*]. So, be
[*] like windows :)
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