Le 28/05/2016 10:57, KatolaZ a écrit :
Posted yesterday on the IRC channel #devuan. It'a already in
Debian/sid. And apparently is there to stay. The real reason for such
an "important feature" enabled by default? Cleaning up hanging
processes left over by GNOME, in the first instance:
And here you find an educated explanation, directly from "The Mind"
who is driving the revolution of this centrury:
Bad policies to fix bad mechanisms introduced by bad programmers
forced to use bad frameworks :(
I am astonished.
Seems that in the mind of that guy, whatever you want to do on your
formerly Unix-like machine, you now must ask him to put a hook in
systemd to allow you to do it. He is imposing to his fans his own vision
of what an OS should be - and this is not Unix - and he assumes this
explicitely. He's the guru of a new sect.
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