Hi all!

I wanted to say thank you to you all for patience and your help. I've
finished now, more or less, my installation with a "custom made" jwm
desktop. So far, so fine.

The remaining logout problem, seems to be solved by the installation of
lxdm (which is not that much bigger than slim; i also had a look at
mdm, but it's enormous, in comparison). With lxdm, my logouts go back
to the login like they are expected to do; with slim and with lightdm i
always ended in dead screen with underline cursor, inactive, up left.
Apparently like the shutdown xserver was unable to pass back to the
login manager (also true when i killed the xserver with Ctrl-Alt-Bksp).
This did *NOT* happen when i started without login manager (by startx).

Now, my ~/.xsessionrc looks like this, it's very primitive, i know:

xrdb -merge .Xresources
setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
exec jwm
exit 0

In lxdm, beside some "artwork", i set this options:

## arg used to start xserver, not fully function
arg=/usr/bin/X -background vt1
# uncomment this if you really want xserver listen to tcp
# tcp_listen=1
# uncoment this if you want reset the xserver after logout
# reset=1

By default, all were commented out, but i thought the first one might
be useful to avoid my ugly logout problem (??)

It seems to me, lxdm does not look into /usr/share/xsessions but reads
by default this file (when i took out the "exec jwm") lxdm did not
start anything although it recignized there are also lxde and openbox
(in /usr/share/xsessions), i'd like to know, if there is a way to state
in .xsessionrc, that there are other sessions which could be started if
chosen in lxdm (with jwm in any case as default)? Then it would be
perfect :) 

As for the rest, "my" desktop consists in a relative elaborated
configuration which for the most part i stole from Manjaro OpenRC JWM +
pcmanfm. If one would like, pcmanfm could even put the trash, devices
and other icons on the desktop. Plus a Plank starterbar at the bottom.

(Plank and lxdm, i got from the ascii repositories; jwm is the jessie
default one). If you'd like i could post somewhere a screenshot, so you
can see that it's not "debianized" :)

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