On 06/05/16 17:41, hellekin wrote:
As reported on IRC just a minute ago:
< Guy-> is it just me, or is there a DNS problem with devuan.org?
< nextime> Guy-: http://travaux.ovh.com/?do=details&id=17875
< nextime> dns anycast.me ( the CDN where devuan.org is hosted for
DNS ) is under dDoS
< nextime> i will take care to add other secondary DNS in next few
days to avoid issues like this one in future
I'm sure there are plenty of other offers, but I run a little set of DNS
servers for some work related stuff. I'd be happy to add a secondary or
two if it's needed (or if it'd help).
(Posted to the list because I have no idea whom to send it to otherwise).
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