On Sat, 5/7/16, fsmithred <fsmith...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: [DNG] Unofficial Devuan live images
 To: "dng" <dng@lists.dyne.org>
 Date: Saturday, May 7, 2016, 10:43 AM
 If someone want to see what Devuan-Jessie beta looks like without
 installing it, I made some live isos. I expect that there will eventually
 be an official Devuan-Live, but this is not it. HTH.


Kudos to fsmithred for putting this together. Gives me a chance to see how the 
theming is coming along without the headache of an install. And those on the 
fence can get a peek too!!

Just booted the live disk. Starting this post from it now.  A little sluggish 
on 4gb ram, no surprise.  

Boot wallpaper looks great!

Theming is getting there but . . . NOTE TO DAN . . . it still needs some 
tweaking.  Clearlooks blue and the adwaita pointer have to go!  Replacements 
should be the older classic gnome icons (NOT the tango ones installed here) and 
the DMZ-white pointer as default.  I'll send you those files in a sec.

This live iso is a fantastic contribution to Devuan.  Thanks again fsr!!


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