Go Linux <goli...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> <a very unfriendly response>

At the risk of dragging on this OT thread longer than it would have lasted ...
I can understand that you consider the topic inappropriate for the list. But 
generally I'd considered this list a friendly place, where a certain amount of 
'banter' would be tolerated.

In this case, a list member has explained why he's been absent for a bit - 
that's not (IMO) inappropriate, and it's not unexpected that he'd get a handful 
of replies in support. As someone with my own issues (officially diagnosed), 
and having been in some uncomfortable places (mentally) in the past, I have 
some sympathy for his problems - and I can vouch for the therapeutic value of 
four legged friends.

Your response is inappropriate in any list, friendly or not. It shows you to be 
an arrogant and insensitive person, with no concept of what it can be like to 
have issues - and even less consideration for other persons' feelings and 
needs. I hope you never get to learn first hand what these issues are like.

So next time, just try thinking of others for a change.
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