Rainer Weikusat wrote:

Ehh ... you do realize that - for as long as people like Mr Baum keeps
posting his entirely pointless insults or the person hiding behind the
moniker "GoLinux" keeps expatiating her inability to understand that
she's not the center of the universe and that the overwhelming majority
of people on this planet don't care about her and won't ever care about
her, the chances that anybody would willingly endure this sorrily
typical "open source jerk-fest" are terribly low?

Mr Baum, as a matter of fact, is right. We here tend to gossip about
everything, and if there were a scale for measuring most frequent
topics, Devuan wouldn't be in the top ten. His activity is remarkable,
in terms of, he tries at least to do something. Devuan for its a year
and a half has done less job but more hype than Adam with his repos.

And I couldn't find a word of "insult" from Mr Baum and no self-centred
behaviour of Go Linux (by the way, would love to know the name but don't

This is in case if my two cents are counted.

/ Mitt
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