Le 13/03/2016 14:10, aitor_czr a écrit :

On 03/13/2016 01:00 PM, Didier Kryn <k...@in2p3.fr> wrote:
      Following Jude's instruction:

Also available at

      Ready to help - with my limited skills:-)


Thanks Didier, let's do it !!

Jude Nelson's pkg scripts use the "0.$(date +%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S)" format for the version of the packages, but i consider more apropiate to use the short hash of the belonging commit. What do you think about?


I agree. And I think most people on this list would vote like me for a sequential version number rather than a date. However maybe Jude had the intent to start the numbering when he delivers a first official release. This might be the reason for prefixing with 0. May I suggest using the hash as a minor number and 0 as major?


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