You can also try cherry picking packages from ascii or ceres, or upgrading
to these testing/unstable releases, but this is probably the worst option
as unstable really is unstable right now with the ongoing efforts to
disentangle from systemd and its related malware.

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 6:48 PM Stephanie Daugherty <>

> The version in Devuan Jessee will be the version that was currently
> packaged at the time Debian Jessie was frozen. Devuan adheres to the same
> release model as Debian - updates to a package which modify its
> functionality in any way whatsoever are forbidden for the life of the
> distribution, and security/stability fixes from a newer upstream must be
> backported to the version released with Devuan.
> Your options for more current packages are (in general order of
> preference):
> * See if the jessie-backports repository has the newer version you need.
> (jessie-backports is a repository of newer packages compiled against
> released dependancies so as to be usable with jessie. It's recommended that
> you set up pinning im such a manner as to only install from backports if
> explicitly told to do so, otherwise you may upgrade more than you'd like
> and possibly even break things)
> * Find a third party repository compatible with jessie that has a current
> version
> * Build your own, current version of the package
> * Build from source, install into /usr/local (if you go this route,
> strongly consider using stow to manage your /usr/local hierarchy - this
> doesn't register the package with dpkg, so if you need it to satisfy a
> dependency in another package, it's not a good option)
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 12:11 PM Hughe Chung <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The latest stable version of OpenSCAD is 2015.03-3.
>> When I installed openscad, it was old version.
>> openscad:amd64/jessie 2014.03+dfsg-1 uptodate
>> Regards,
>> Hughe
>> PS: Are there any 3D Printer users?
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