Hey out there.
I've got a Pi-Top a few months ago and leaved it on a shelf for a
while. Around a dozen days ago they released a new version of their
PiOS, codenamed "jessie", and, guess what: it's all infected with Systemd.
I found a website still offering a Raspbian-wheezy image for
download, downloaded it, changed the partitionning to make some room to
/var for apt's cache, then followed the procedure of dev1fanboy.
It worked very well and I now have Devuan installed on my Pi-Top,
which is a Raspberry-Pi B2.I just found three errors in one line of
dev1faboy's howto:
root@debian:~# apt-get upudate && install devuan-keyring -y
1) a typo: "apt-get upudate", should be "apt-get update"
2) a typo: missing apt-get after &&
3) -y doesn't do it, the package not being signed requires
--force-yes in that case, or just removing the -y and answering y
BTW, dev1fanboy, I sent you french translations of two of your documents
a few days ago, but you didn't reply, therefore I guess my mail was
treated as spam or lost in some other way.
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