On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 07:37:21AM +1100, Ozi Traveller wrote:
> I have created iso using live-build for Debian wheezy and jessie as well as
> Devuan Jessie. Apart from systemd and slight version differences they are
> the same. Debian Jessie boot the slowest.

Hi Ozi, 

would it be possible for you to please repeat the experiment in a more
scientific way, i.e., reporting the average total time needed to boot
in the two cases, as reported by the kernel, and the associated
standard variance over a set of realisations (boots) on the same



[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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