On 18/01/16 10:00, Simon Wise wrote:

installing it is one step ... but you will not get sound from your
desktop apps to your speakers without setting things up to achieve that.
Normally using Jack you will have a number of other apps in the chain
... say processing some audio path, or a gui to set the mix, or a matrix
of some sort that connects all the elements in your audio chain.

Many find the everything-in-one-app approach easier (and learn to match
their ambitions to the workflows and plugins available) but jack offers
the advantages of linking lots of small apps (each built along the unix
line of making a program do one thing and do it well) and allowing the
user to arrange the ones they prefer in the configuration they want.
Which takes a little work on the part of the user to set it all up.

My point was using Jack for 'desktop audio' is a bit like booting your PC by keying in the bootloader using front panel toggle switches. It's just not the right tool for the job. Now, if you want to multi-track a couple of channels of audio including playback and live monitoring, and even patch some FX into the chain, then pulse just ain't going to cut the mustard.

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