Yes, I agree completely.
Getting all the anti-systemd distros working together would be a very good thing.


On 11/01/16 01:05, wrote:
This looks extremely desirable. Unfortunately we are not yet at the
point where there are two parallel threads of Gnu/Linux (since they
persist to use that name) development. RedHat and Debian are still the
major driving force, due to their large number of developpers. And
Devuan is still derived from Debian. I guess some agreement would be
necessary amongst a number of anti-systemd distros to reach that goal.


This agreement really ought to happen. I would suggest going further, inviting the developers of the main non-systemd inits to join as well.

The "Init Freedom" badge was a great idea for a rallying banner, but it won't go far without a cross-distro/init consensus. Something like that won't build itself. How should we begin?

David H
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