It sounds like a good idea in theory, but I see no reason eth0, eth1, wlan0, 
wlan1, etc should change. It could be as simple as deciding which of those to 
use based on some information from the device in the case there is more than 
one NIC. Changing that for no good reason is clearly a bad idea.

Personally, I'm not buying it. Freedom to choose and backwards compatibility is 
more important to me [not for sale]. 

On Saturday, January 9, 2016 11:41 AM, Anto <> wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I have just rented a KVM VPS. I started with Debian squeeze, pin
> everything related to systemd to -1, then upgraded to Debian wheezy.
> After I upgraded udev to version 220 using eudev, I could not connect to
> my VPS any more after reboot. This has never happened on my other VPS'
> but they are all Xen-PV based VPS.
> It turned out that the eth0 interface was changed to ens3, due to the
> implementation of Predictable Network Interface Names
> (
> I can change everything which contain eth0 into ens3, but I prefer to
> keep the old interface naming. So my temporary solution is to add
> net.ifnames=0 into the kernel command line.
> I have been indoctrinated myself that everything come from systemd gang
> are stupid and bad. After reading the above link and some other pages
> from systemd supporters, I think I might have to change my mind about
> that Predictable Network Interface Names idea. But I am not entirely
> sure yet. What do you guys think about that?
> Kind regards,
> Anto
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