Hello Everybody,
I have just rented a KVM VPS. I started with Debian squeeze, pin
everything related to systemd to -1, then upgraded to Debian wheezy.
After I upgraded udev to version 220 using eudev, I could not connect to
my VPS any more after reboot. This has never happened on my other VPS'
but they are all Xen-PV based VPS.
It turned out that the eth0 interface was changed to ens3, due to the
implementation of Predictable Network Interface Names
I can change everything which contain eth0 into ens3, but I prefer to
keep the old interface naming. So my temporary solution is to add
net.ifnames=0 into the kernel command line.
I have been indoctrinated myself that everything come from systemd gang
are stupid and bad. After reading the above link and some other pages
from systemd supporters, I think I might have to change my mind about
that Predictable Network Interface Names idea. But I am not entirely
sure yet. What do you guys think about that?
Kind regards,
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