Please keep to the traditional Linux way and keep /usr/ etc as is.
This shouldn't even be a debate.

Devuan's reason to _BE_ is to not go along with the way Systemd/Linux
is being pulled but to stay what Debian was before the coup:

Gnu/Linux always had /usr/

Retraining our minds from what we learnt is not what Devuan is about.
If Devuan is to succeed it must be what Debian _was_ and not be pulled
with the river.

That means: security (bastille, crypto disks), familiarity (/etc/init.d, /usr/),
and stability.

And above all: stubbornness against change not inline with *nix tradition.
Building on the solid foundation that was Gnu/Linux,
not razing the house to the ground and starting anew.

Fork everything if need be, piece by piece (copy on write). I said you'd
have to do it anyway. The progressives will to infect every piece of userland (and maybe the kernel too) they can, so as pieces fall to them it must be forked.

On 2016-01-03 20:06, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
Roger Leigh <> writes:
On 03/01/2016 14:23, Edward Bartolo wrote:

People don't understand: it is bad to manage their own OS. That is the work for EXPERTS who know BETTER. Users should only be allowed to move the mouse, click its cool buttons, and sometimes use DVDs (CDs) to run
recovery software. Other than that, it is bad management.


Sorry, but I don't understand the point you're trying to make here and
how it relates in any way to what I wrote.

I might have a computer with two disks, one being rather small and slow
and the other newer and faster. But for 'historical reasons', I have a /
filesystem on the 'old' disk. So, who decided that I shouldn't use the
second one in any way I see fit because that's inconvenient *for him*?

NB: I did have this exact setup until I bought a new computer last year.
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