Hi all,

I have the automounter running, incompletioncies and all. It's running
off of Runit, but I'm sure it would work with sysvinit or /etc/rc.local
or pretty much anything else.

Assuming you don't actually edit anything, when you plug in a thumb
drive, all its partitions open within 5 seconds (usually quicker), as
evidenced by my Thunar file manager. When I pull it out, the mounts go
away and the mountpoints are deleted.

I'm sure there are a dozen edge cases and a couple corner cases where
it doesn't work in a desireable manner. I found one, when I yank the
thumb drive while a file on it is still being edited. I'll fix that.

It's got zillions of diagnostic prints left in it: Those must go or
they'll end up in everyone's logs.

Also, this program needs a companion program that identifies, and
perhaps umounts, partitions by label or by whatever else.

Finally, I'd prefer this program run as a user other than root (which
it's doing right now). 

But the good thing is, it's working, and IMHO it's working faster and
more reliably than at least half the automounting addons, packaged with
filemanagers, that I've tried..


Steve Litt 
November 2015 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
     of the Successful Technologist
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