On 21/12/15 20:01, Mitt Green wrote:
Rowland Penny <rpenny241...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am beginning to think this may be aimed squarely at me, if so, then
come out and say so. I think Mitt may have taken exception to the word 'moron' 
It was addressed to everyone here. You have taken a few chances here
trying to insult John Hughes, John being accused as troll, didn't insult
anyone (at least from what I've read) but used profanity as well.
I say it again, we shouldn't accuse someone being a troll,

If somebody asks the same question over and over again (in different ways) then that person is a troll, that is not an insult, it is a fact! I haven't insulted anybody, if you think I have, then you need to re-think your understanding of English.

i.e. moron: a stupid or foolish person
Troll: someone who asks the same question over and over again, or will not accept an answer, when one is given.

If someone needs help and I can give it, then I am very willing to try and help. What I not willing to do, is to put up with someone who is just trying to stir things up and the only way to deal with such people is to stand up to them. Being wishy-washy with them, will do no good at all.


insult them and tell them to go away, answering
questions instead (well, till a reasonable level)‎.

People may say that I shouldn't answer his posts, but that would mean,
if somebody reads the thread, that what he is saying is true, but it isn't.
Everyone is free to post their opinions and no one is going to stop them
from doing that.

Best regards,


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