True the apt pinning is broke there, and libsystemd0 may not be avoidable with 
libpulse0 now depending on it. 
On my list of things to do, so that users can seemlessly upgrade to Ceres or 
Testing without it breaking. 

I'll mention the angband repos and the upower issue too, thanks :)

On Monday, December 21, 2015 12:53 PM, Mitt Green <> wrote:
> Hi,
> You have mentioned pinning libsystemd0 for Ceres in Wiki
> (
> but as I have written it does no longer work.
> There is no way to prevent this package from installing,
> one has to use these repositories:
> deb nosystemd-unstable main
> deb-src nosystemd-unstable main
> And then add the apt key (under root):
> gpg --keyserver --recv-key BED007F9
> gpg --armor --export BED007f9 | apt-key add -
> I hope when Devuan will be released we won't need them, but till then
> it is the way.
> Yet there isone package that can't be upgraded currently, upower,
> it requires libplist2 but there is libplist3 in Unstable.
> For the rest, everything is smooth and stable (well,
> if ye don't count occasional dependency dissatisfaction from apt,
> but these things are native to Debian and get their fixes in a couple
> of days).
> Cheers,
> Mitt
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