On 18/12/15 15:54, Didier Kryn wrote:
Le 18/12/2015 15:35, John Hughes a écrit :
The list is, of course, spurious.

$ cat /etc/debian_version
$ apt-cache rdepends libsystemd0 | wc -l

    Sorry, my primary attitude is to believe what people write. So
it's only 74. Does it include chained dependency?

Of course not. Why should it? LKCL's messages were about the enormous effort needed to fix the 4000 odd packages that "depended" on libsystemd0, when he only "needed' to modify 74 packages to get rid of all libsystemd0 dependency.

Every single function in libsystemd0 looks like:

 if (init_is_systemd) {
   do some systemd stuff;
 else {
   carry on as before;

    But do they have also a libupstart0, libsysv0, etc, on which all
these 74 package depend?

Nope. upstart and sysv-init don't provide any interesting features beyond the simple init subset that packages might like to use. The point of libsystemd0 is to let packages use systemd features without depending on systemd.

Which makes LKCL's proposal of making libsystemd0 loaded by dlopen even funnier -- to avoid depending on libsystemd0 packages would have to include systemd specific code, or depend on a lib-not-systemd0 package. But that package would also contain the magic word, so we'd need to dlopen it, so either programs would include systemd specific code or we'd have to invent a lib-not-not-systemd0 package, but that package would...

Does the arrow ever hit the target?  Does Achilles catch the tortoise?

(I hate Thunderbird -- resending 'cos idiot program chose wrong sender
address *again*)
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