On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 11:55:01 +0100
Svante Signell <svante.sign...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Has anybody tried dovecot or even balsa? 

I use a dovecot IMAP server every day. That's what keeps all the emails
I've received since switching to Linux in March 2001. But Dovecot's not
an email client: It's an IMAP server (and can do other things), but not
email clienting.

> Then for people using emacs
> there are a number of email clients available: mh-e, vm, vl, mew,
> mu4e, sylpheed, 

Several years ago I had an email client shootout, and found that
Sylpheed and Balsa sucked when using them as viewports to IMAP. mh* ---
I never even got *anything* to work with that stuff. And even if I had,
mh* can't work with IMAP.

You might wonder why I'm so partial to IMAP: A fair question indeed. I
came to view the necessity of an email client that's a mere window to
my own IMAP server after the infamous 2011 Kmail2 debacle, which almost
caused me to lose 10 years worth of saved emails. I decided that never
again would the storage of my email depend on my email client. As an
added benefit, now all my email filters are email client independent
(done with Procmail).

Here's my document called "Escape From Kmail" written in early 2012:



Steve Litt 
November 2015 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
     of the Successful Technologist
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