On Fri, 11 Dec 2015 09:01:19 +0100, Aitor Czr wrote:
> Passing by value and passing by reference in ANSI C99 are documented in the 
> following book:
> C - The Complete Reference (by Herbert Schildt)

Ugh, this explains a lot! Books by Herbert Schildt 
are, sit venia verbo, the most useless utter crap 
you can get. The only thing this book documents is 
the total incompetence of its author. Have a good 
laugh, see https://www.lysator.liu.se/c/schildt.html 
for a post mortem of his infamous "The Annotated ANSI 
C Standard". 

If you want an overall introductory book to C, get 
K&R2, written by someone who understood C, if only 
because he invented the language. :P  If you want an 
authoritative reference, get the ISO standard. Or 
get Plauger's "C Library Reference" as, well, library 

Ceterum censeo: There is no pass by reference in C, 
has never been, and will presumably never be. Heck, 
the C standard doesn't mention the concept at all, 
not even in a non-normative foot note!


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