On Tue, Dec 01, 2015 at 04:25:05PM +0100, Per Eric Rosén wrote:
> My question: How to get automatic suspend working i devuan jessie with Mate?
> It seems that mate-power-manager uses upower, but the upower version in
> devuan is still the "crippled" 0.99 version that dropped pm-utils support?
> Is this correct? If so, have anyone forked upower? Should I use the 0.9
> version from wheezy or similiar?

Yes, the crippled version in jessie requires systemd (possibly via -shim) to
do its job.  The last good version is 0.9.23.

We badly need someone to step up and fork it -- I for one don't know
anything about upower beyond being able to revert to the working version.
In the short term, Devuan needs to go back to 0.9.23, I've done so in my
repository (with an epoch to ease upgrades).

Fortunately that's the only package from the utopia stack that needs such a
revert, all others require merely changing dependencies and arguments to
configure and rebuilding.

(https://github.com/kilobyte/braillefont for this hack)
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