On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 6:51 PM, Edward Bartolo <edb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here, you are talking to someone who developed a GRAPHICAL network
> manager. You see, I too created an application to help 'clueless'
> users. Ubuntu is not the only distribution to help newbies.

I tend to make a distinction between clueless and newbie, not just in
IT either, but that's just me. Driving vehicles comes to mind with the
new self-driven hype.
Point remains: most of the "less-tech-savy" users will probably not
even know what systemd is, or what the fuss is all about. It's all
been seamless, without hitch. The OS boots and gives them a GUI, done.
I don't remember saying Devuan is not about choice -- lemme check --
nope, didn't say that. Please quote me directly instead of trying to
imply i said something like «thinking Devuan will remove graphical
interfaces» -- didn't say that either.

There are my opinions, regardless of how many isolated cases you may
find to counter. Feel free to disagree. I'm done. This discussion is
pointless and fruitless.

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