> If you're already getting a list of devices to display, couldn't you just
> verify that the chosen device matches one of those names? I don't know
> what it's like to test for illegal characters in the language you're
> using, but I can tell you it's a pain in the ass in bash.

Yes, it is a good idea. List the available devices using ip link,
extract a list of available network interfaces, and verify that the
devices loaded from netman.default.devices is a valid device.


On 07/10/2015, fsmithred <fsmith...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One connection at a time should be enough for anyone. (Or they can edit
> their interfaces file.)
> If you're already getting a list of devices to display, couldn't you just
> verify that the chosen device matches one of those names? I don't know
> what it's like to test for illegal characters in the language you're
> using, but I can tell you it's a pain in the ass in bash.
> -fsr
> On 10/06/2015 03:28 PM, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Now, the frontend can create a text file to declare a default wifi and
>> ethernet devices. Since this file is writable by ordinary unprivileged
>> users, and because the file will be used by the backend to decide
>> which devices to use in cases where such a file exists, I am thinking
>> about validating the device names before using popen or execl. The
>> validation will check for illegal characters like shell delimiters
>> which can be inserted by malicious users to run malicious commands. My
>> impression is that device names will be composed of letters from the
>> English alphabet and digits with all other characters unallowed.
>> With the backend directly accessing the text file, additional
>> parameters to define the network interface to use will be avoided for
>> both Connect and Disconnect. This means, the backend command set will
>> remain unaltered.
>> Edward
>> On 06/10/2015, Edward Bartolo <edb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Is it possible to run more than one instance of netman?
>>> No, only the previous versions allow more than one instance of netman
>>> to run. The current one I am working on (not yet pushed to git)
>>> prevents users from running more than one instance.
>>> Edward
>>> On 06/10/2015, Clarke Sideroad <clarke.sider...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 10/06/2015 09:24 AM, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>>>>> In the case of more than one wifi and/or more than one ethernet
>>>>> connector, netman will either use decide by itself to use a device
>>>>> from the available list or choose a device from the defaults set by
>>>>> the user.
>>>>> I think, netman should not support more than one active connection as
>>>>> is currently the case.
>>>>> Please give feedback so that I start to work on the backend.
>>>> There are cases when multiple connections and networks do come in handy,
>>>> but I think in those cases we are dealing with things that might be
>>>> better off started separately going back to the basics. AFAIK Wicd only
>>>> handles one connection at a time.
>>>> Is it possible to run more than one instance of netman?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Clarke
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