Ok, I like XFCE4 of course.
El 13/09/15 a las 20:13, Edward Bartolo escribió:
Hi aitor, I forgot to write that the final step is to let netman be
automatically run as soon as a user boots into XFCE4 or desktop or
window manager. Edward On 13/09/2015, Edward Bartolo <edb...@gmail.com>
>Hi aitor,
>I think, the time has come to start thinking about producing a .deb
>package for netman. However, we will have to use a post installation
>script to add the line:
>"iface wlan0 inet dhcp"
>to /etc/network/interfaces. The script has also to create a new
>directory under /usr/bin with the name netman ie /usr/bin/netman will
>hold both the frontend and the backend.
>The SUID for backend must be changed to that belonging to root. I do
>this as follows:
>chown root:root backend
>chmod u+s backend
>A new directory under /etc/network with the name wifi must be created
>i.e. /etc/network/wifi must be an existing directory.
>Then, the final steps would be to create a launcher for netman, the
>frontend. To enable automatic attempts at connecting basing on
>installed essid files under /etc/network/wifi, the parameter
>--auto-conn must be passed to netman upon invocation. --auto-conn need
>not be used and netman would not attempt to connect without user
>intervention. This feature is for those who want to control what
>happens on their machine.
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