fsmithred has successfully used netman to connect to both wired and
wireless network interfaces. I am of the opinion this shows the time
has come for me to start thinking about a post installation script, so
that, the necessary edits to /etc/network/interfaces or
/etc/network/interfaces.d are done before netman is started.

So, netman and backend will install to:

backend's SUID will be changed to that belonging to root. (as root:
chmod u+s backend)

And finally, execute a shell script to configure either
/etc/network/interfaces or /etc/network/interfaces.d.

Naturally, create a launcher for netman and if on user request, make
netman run as soon as one logs into a desktop or window manager, ...
and netman would be installed and happy.

The only last bit is to implement intelligent and resource friendly
automatic connections.


On 05/09/2015, aitor_czr <aitor_...@gnuinos.org> wrote:
> Pushed libpqxx++ to GitLab:
> https://gitlab.com/aitor_czr/libpqxx/tree/master
> It uses command line parameters :)
> Aitor.
> El 04/09/15 a las 20:44, Edward Bartolo escribió:
>> I will use command line parameters for the GUI frontend so that it may
>> be started to automatically scan for available wifis and connections
>> and to automatically select the best connection if that is configured.
>> So, there is no need of using /etc for further configuration.
>> netman auto-connect
>> Will connect automatically on startup using the algorithm described
>> above.
>> Edward
>> On 02/09/2015, Edward Bartolo<edb...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> >Hi,
>>> >
>>> >This is a link to a post by keithpeter on forums.debian.net which
>>> >looks encouraging notwithstanding the hard-to-workaround bugs that I
>>> >am facing now.
>>> >
>>> >http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=124343&p=591309#p591124
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Thanks, keithpeter and all who boost my motivation to finish this
>>> > project.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Edward.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >On 01/09/2015, aitor_czr<aitor_...@gnuinos.org>  wrote:
>>>> >>Ok.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>On 01/09/15 12:33, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>>>>> >>>Hi Aitor,
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>As soon as I have time I will have a look at the code.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>Regarding learning to use git, I learnt to push my commits and do
>>>>> >>> git
>>>>> >>>pulls to synchronize my sources with those of the repository.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>I took note of all the git commands used together with the sequence
>>>>> >>> in
>>>>> >>>which they were issued.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>Edward
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>On 01/09/2015, aitor_czr<aitor_...@gnuinos.org>  wrote:
>>>>>> >>>>Hi Edward,
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>Here is the code of my libpqxx++ project:
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>http://gnuinos.org/libpqxx++/
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>(Now i can't access to any git repository in my gitlab account;
>>>>>> >>>>apparently it's in maintenance).
>>>>>> >>>>It is a small project, and you can analyze the debian branch
>>>>>> >>>>(debian/rules, etc...). The separation:
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>libpqxx
>>>>>> >>>>libpqxx-dev
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>is not done yet.
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>On the other hand, if you are interested in git, i recommend you
>>>>>> >>>> Pro
>>>>>> >>>>Git
>>>>>> >>>>Book:
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>https://git-scm.com/book/en/v1
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>Cheers,
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>Aitor.
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>On 31/08/15 14:00, Edward Bartolo<edb...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>>>>> >>>>>On 31/08/15 09:43, Edward Bartolo<edb...@gmail.com>   wrote:
>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>I am attaching my updated code to this email as I couldn't
>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> commit my
>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>changes. GIT is blocking me.
>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>Edward
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>
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