On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 18:39:07 -1000
Joel Roth <jo...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Isaac Dunham wrote:
> > LXDE is close to the classic interface, but so is IceWM (my own
> > first pick for window manager.)
> I like IceWM, because it's so easy to configure menus. I set up
> some menus for my dad, that he's been using unchanged
> for a decade. 

Hi Joel,

Good to see you in a more friendly climate!

If IceWM menus are easy to configure, that's a relatively new thing.
Back in the day you had to count spaces between the menu name and its
opening curly brace, and they switched from Icepref to some unrunnable
piece of junk.

That being said, IceWM is a *great* window manager. I think the reason
I always forget to tout it is this persistant, decade old FUD rumor
that it's abandoned.

I happily used IceWM for about four years, and loved it.


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
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