On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 10:21:37 +0200
tilt! <t...@linuxfoo.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> Steve Litt wrote on 29/07/2015 at 06:25 CEST:
> > [...]
> > Meanwhile, as far as I can see, their entanglement with
>  > polkit does nothing more than my idea about sudo.
>  > Does anyone see any reason why polkit should be assumed
>  > more secure than sudo?
> I don't know about polkit, but sudoers(5) is a mess, 

This is exactly my point. Every last problem of sudo is taken
seriously, while everyone seems to give polkit a pass.

Maybe there's another way around this: A daemon, running as root, that
senses something being plugged in, and mounts it. Since it's running as
root, no sudo or polkit needed. And, a facility by which a normal user
can tell this daemon to mount or unmount some specific thing.


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
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