I hope this is the correct place to post.
I downloaded the Alpha2 iso and it installed easily using all those
debian skills I have acquired over the years!
It is running happily on an old Acer amd64 pc with 2GB of RAM.
Are there any instructions on how to use the devuan-baseconf.deb?
I have an old iMac that is currently running wheezy with some packages
from wheezy-backports and other software not in backports installed
using NetBSD pkgsrc (with mixed results).
Booting the iMac from a non-Apple cd is difficult to impossible so I
can't try out Alpha2 on it.
That devuan-baseconf.deb sounds ideal.
But what do I do?
I always ran debian sid on my home desktops and laptops with only
occasional 'you get to keep both parts' breakages so Alpha2 holds no
fears for me.
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