On Fri, Jul 03, 2015 at 02:18:17PM +0630, Ста Деюс wrote:
> Do you of any *DE (except GDM, KDM) that supports multisessions -- i.e.
> makes it possible to login through it while another session is running?

Simple enough is lightdm and you can make multiseat with several
monitors/keyboards/mice or switch VMs (Control+Alt+Fn) to enable
several users each with her own Xsession. 

If you run XFCE inside your session, it provides a dialog to open new
session ("Change user" or something like that) and has alerts whenever
you try to shutdown (i.e. "There are other users logged in, do you want
to shutdown anyway?" ). 

I really don't know much of XFCE nor lighhtdm (I use awesome) but my
family and coworkers use them and are happy.

I use startx in _my_ own boxes, but install lightdm in some of my home
computers to allow wife and sons share them without forcing them to
close and open new sessions all the time.


Fernando M. Maresca
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