On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 03:02:21PM -0400, Jude Nelson wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I thought this was an intermittent problem, but repeated trials have
> convinced me otherwise.
> Jenkins appears to be failing to set up its build directories for i386 and
> amd64 when I queue the dbus packages for building.  The last console log
> for amd64, for example, is here:
> https://ci.devuan.org/job/dbus-binaries/35/architecture=amd64,label=amd64/console.
> In all cases, autobuild queued my build requests on host build002, so maybe
> something's wrong with that particular host?  The arm64, armhf, and armel
> packages succeeded in that build.
> For testing purposes, is there a way I can tag a package to build on a
> particular host?  Also, is there a way I can tag a package to build for a
> particular architecture?
> For future reference, I'm not sure where to report errors like on GitLab.
> Is there a preferred issue tracker for Jenkins-related bugs?
> Thanks,
> Jude

> _______________________________________________

it says "failed to mkdir", this smell like an host issue. I will check
it right now 


Franco (nextime) Lanza
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